Values-based investing
made easy
A straightforward approach for aligning financial products to a client's values.
Show the wider impact of financial products and tailor proposals according to a client's preferences.
Leverage leading ESG analytical data provided in collaboration with MSCI.
Easily compare both traditional and ESG metrics with interactive graphics and visuals.
Bring values
to the forefront
Offer personalized adviceEmpower clients to make informed decisions by sharing the effects of financial products in addition to performance. ESG ratings provide a holistic view of a portfolio's impact and allow advisors to showcase an understanding of clients' preferences.
Educate clients with visual comparisonsOffer transparency into a portfolio's holdings with interactive side-by-side comparisons designed to quickly identify the nuances and differences between products.
Leverage MSCI ESG ResearchCapIntel is proud to collaborate with MSCI ESG Research, whose products and services are designed to provide in-depth research, ratings and analysis of environmental, social and governance-related business practices to companies worldwide. MSCI ESG Research supports the ESG strategies of over 1,700 clients worldwide including leading pension funds, asset managers, consultants, advisers, banks and insurers.
Learn more about MSCIResearch and compare funds, equities, and portfolios across the following data points:
ESG peer rankingAnalyzes how a fund's Weighted Average ESG Score ranks relative to other funds in the same peer group.
ESG ratingsAnalyzes the tendencies of companies within a fund or portfolio to show strong and/or improving management of financially relevant ESG issues.
Implied temperature riseMeasures a fund's temperature alignment with the global temperature goal of keeping the world's temperature rise to 2°C by 2100.
ESG global rankingAnalyzes how a fund's Weighted Average ESG Score ranks relative to other funds globally.
Carbon intensityMeasures a fund's exposure to carbon intensive companies.